Cigole Thomas

I am currently a Postdoctoral Fellow at Colorado State University with Prof. Rachel Pries.


  • Ph.D. : George Mason University
    Dissertation : Stratification and Arithmetic Dynamics on Character Varieties Advisor: Prof. Sean Lawton

  • Integrated BS - MS: Indian Institute of Science Education and Research (IISER) Mohali, India
    Master's Thesis : Decomposition of Complex Hyperbolic Geometry and Involutions
    Advisor: Prof. Krishnendu Gongopadhyay

My broad area of research interest is Algebraic Geometry. Specifically, I work on arithmetic dynamics on character varieties. In particular, I look at the action of outer automorphism groups on finite field points of character varieties and explore properties like transitivity, 'large orbits' and asymptotic transitivity. I am also interested in exploring data learning using varieties.


Research Interests

Preprints and Publications

  1. T. Day, R. DeLand, J. Juul, Swati, C. Thomas, B. Thompson, and B. Tobin. Dynamical Irreducibility of Certain Families of Polynomials over Finite Fields, arXiv
  2. C. Thomas. Asymptotic Dynamics on Character Varieties over Finite Fields (Submitted)
  3. C. Thomas. Action of free type groups (In preparation)
  4. J. Jauchen, H. Klawa, L. Nguyen, R.G. Rebecca, E. Sander, P. Seshaiyer and C. Thomas. Graduate Learning Assistants in the Mathematical Sciences: A new approach to core graduate classes GLAMS: Graduate Learning Assistants in Mathematical Sciences, PRIMUS, 33:8, 819-840
  5. K.Gongopadhyay and C.Thomas. Decomposition of complex hyperbolic isometries by involutions,
    Linear Algebra and its Applications, ISSN: 0024-3795, Vol: 500, Page: 63-76
  6. Conference Papers

  7. RG Rebecca, H. Klawa, C. Thomas, L. Nguyen, J. Jauchen, P. Seshaiyer and E. Sander. ON DEMAND: Graduate Assistants supporting active learning in graduate classrooms. Innovations in Teaching and Learning Conference Proceedings Volume 13, 2 September 2021.
  8. Broeckelman-Post M; Fernandez, L; Polk, T; Hwang, J; Thomas, C; Stewart, B; Tuckerman, S; Hassell-Goodman, S; Taylor, S; Nordin, K; Brophy, N; Hingle, A; Staudt, E RC. WORKSHOP: [For GTAs] Engaging Students and Giving Feedback as a GTA. Innovations in Teaching & Learning Conference Proceedings Vol. 12 (2020).

Selected Presentations and Talks


Committee Member

  • Spring 2022 : Hiring Committee Member for Mason Experimental Geometry Lab Outreach Director
  • Spring 2021, Spring 2022 : Graduate student representative in the GMU College of Science Diveristy, Equity and Inclusion subcommittee for Graduate Student Recruitment, Retention, and Degree Attainment
  • Leadership

    Mason Experimental Geometry Lab(MEGL)

    Association for Women in Mathematics (AWM) - GMU Chapter

    Seminars and Conference Organization

    Mathematics Outreach

    If you are interested in or need more information about any of the activities listed here, feel free to email me at

    Curriculum Vitae

    Click here.